Analysis of dust removal system of asphalt mixing station equipment


After the overall solution is determined, then it is the details, from the processing process, assembly process, packaging transportation, economy, safety, reliability, practicality and so on to determine the location of each component, structure shape and connection mode.
However, in order to further ensure the future use of asphalt mixing station, but also to go through the improvement of the design phase, the original design as far as possible to improve.


We need to remind you that because the powder system is one of the main components of asphalt mixing station equipment, its main role can provide help and support for the reserve of mineral powder and the recycling of recycled powder.
Typically, the system consists of two powder cans, one that can add mineral powders and the other that can recover dust from dust collectors, thus saving some of the resources.

From the appearance of the asphalt mixer on a large cylindrical tube structure, respectively, the working area and the motor part.
The main functions of asphalt mixer are mainly concentrated in the working area part, the working area is mainly composed of metal shell shell which plays the role of protection and storage of building materials, and the mixing blades with uniform mixing of various materials, when the asphalt mixer is working, the working area part is mixed into the internal and material water processing, To enable it to meet the conditions of use.


In fact, in the process of dust removal work, in order to ensure that the final emissions can meet the requirements of the national standards, we need to carry out a multi-channel dust treatment link.
For Asphalt Batch Mix Plant mixing station, its dust removal system mainly includes such several parts: primary flue, first stage gravity precipitator, second stage bag dust collector and level two flue and fan.
The first is that the dust of the larger particle size is separated and collected by the gravity precipitator, and then the collection and treatment of fine dust is realized by the bag dust collector.


First of all, according to the needs of the market to determine the main technical parameters of the product to be designed, so the construction market survey, data analysis and other links are essential.
Secondly, through innovative conception, optimization of screening to determine the more ideal working principle, as well as the best solution to achieve this principle.
Finally, a schematic diagram of the overall design scheme should also be given.


  The last aspect is that China has also paid great attention to independent research and development in recent years, and has continuously strengthened its investment in this area.
From the development of some large-scale manufacturers in China, China's asphalt mixing station industry wants to gain a foothold in the market, it must embark on a road of independent research and development.


  First, it was due to the impact of the policy.
Since China's reform and opening up, many industries have entered a stage of rapid development, asphalt mixing station industry is no exception.
Later, Eleven-Five development plans were launched, and the policy has greatly advanced the rapid development of the industry.
Under the influence of policy, the development momentum of highway construction in China has been extremely rapid in the past twenty or thirty years.


Therefore, from the above content we can see that in the asphalt mixing station work, for its dust removal work, we should strictly follow the requirements to carry out.
In this way, not only can ensure that its emission targets meet national standards, but also can save some of the powder, reduce waste.

Any kind of mechanical equipment must go through the precision design, test and other processes before making molding, the green mixing station is the same.
According to the survey found that for any asphalt mixing station, the following stages are required.


The first is about the placement of asphalt mixing equipment, improper placement may also cause safety hazards, it is best to place the machine in a flat place, but also in its front axle wheel with sleepers fixed and overhead tires, so that the machine does not move at work.


The motor part is the soul part of the asphalt mixer, with the motor asphalt mixer can carry on the accurate and unmistakable automatic setup procedure, the asphalt mixer inside the material can carry on the accurate heating treatment and the mixing work.

For the limiter, we should periodically check whether there are connection anomalies, different lines and other conditions, these conditions will be related to the asphalt mixing station can be safe operation.
Regular maintenance and inspection of asphalt mixing stations can not only ensure the quality of the project, but also reduce the cost of the project and improve the construction efficiency.

Asphalt Mixing station rolling system will affect the work efficiency, is to ensure that the hopper can operate correctly to the proper position when necessary at the construction site.
The large nut adjustment of the rear seat of the motor can adjust the size of the power moment, remove the connecting screw between the locking nut and the fan brake, back the locking nut to the appropriate position, move the rotor to the ultimate position in the direction of the shaft, and then move the fan brake back, so that the brake ring and the rear cover inside the conical surface bonding After contact with the end surface of the fan brake, then spin into a circle, and finally tighten the connecting screws.
If the hopper appears abnormal braking, the locking nut back to the appropriate position, and then the end of the hexagon bolt clockwise tightening, such as the start of the lifting motor when the stuffy car, then the locking nut back to the appropriate position, and then the end of the hexagon bolt loosened, lengthen the inner brake distance, in the locking nut tightening.